Tuesday, September 12, 2023

"I Met A Boy Called Frank Mills/On September 12th, Right Here In Front Of The Waverly.................."

                                         Yes, girls, it is that time again.  Today is "Frank Mills' Day."  I will be leaving shortly, to go to the Waverly, where I will stand out front and sing the song, as I have been doing for over 40 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can do it, to make Shelley Plimpton proud.

                                           So, happy "Frank Mills' Day," everyone. Get out your "HAIR" recordings during the day and listen to Shelley's definitive rendition today.  There is no better time to do it.

                                            I have to go now, darlings.  But meanwhile here is something to listen to.

                             Shelley singing "Frank Mills."  There is nothing like it.


  1. FORTY years!!!
    Now THAT is something to be proud of!!

  2. Victoria,
    It would not be September 12th, without it.
