Monday, September 11, 2023

A Day To Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Sister D'Arienzo said it best, this past Sunday.  Rather than getting mired in the misery and the evil, remember those innocent souls who lost their lives for us that day, either through tragedy or in attempts to save others.  These souls, I believe, were instantly taken to heaven by the angels, who knew what was going on, and watched out for them, as best they could.  That is the memory I want to hold of 9/11.

                         Girls, stick with Sister Camille.  Remember those we lost, but rejoice in the peace they now live in, and hold in our hearts.

                          But I have to ask, how much can New York City stand?  First, the attack, then the pandemic.

                           Those of us still here must go on for those who are not.  Fulfill our destinies to fulfill theirs, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. thanks for those words of comfort
    AND inspiration!!
    I’m certainly doing my best to fulfill my destiny here in Virginia!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you. And thanks to Sister Camille for inspiring us all.
