Saturday, September 9, 2023

Now, Girls, If You Have Never Seen It, You Might Check It Out! But This House Is Watching Something Else Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            "Svengoolie" has such a great line-up for September, why did he have to ruin it with "War Of The Gargantuas?"

                              For those having never seen it, there is a campy scene featuring an ersatz nightclub singer, in a nightclub scene.  I think she sings, then gets picked up, and rejected, by a Gargantua.  She is the sister of someone famous--I don't remember or care--but the scene is the best moment in the movie.

                               But after the sublime 1931 "Frankenstein," who wants to see crap????????????

                               So, we will be watching a Grand Guignol horror special--1969's "What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice?"  It stars Geraldine Page, Mildred Dunnock, Ruth Gordon, Rosemary Forsyth....what a cast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It is so campy, darlings, and Ruth is so Ruth!  It's like Minnie Castevet coming to visit the Southwest.

                              After that we may watch "AHS: Bloody Mary," about the legendary bloody ghost who comes out of a mirror after saying her name three times.   Then we may watch "Sissy," a 2022 high school mean girls revenge story.  Those are always fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So, what you watch tonight is up to you, darlings!  But I warn you, "War Of The Gargntuas" does not get better the second time around!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How was it?!!
    I was always an easy target for the Mean Girls at school and church, so it’s cathartic to see them taken down a peg!!

  2. Victoria,
    We didn't watch the means girls story. Save that for another time.
    We watched "What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice?" and "Bloody Mary." The first was a hoot, great fun, the second not as satisfying as I had hoped.
