Monday, October 2, 2023

By Contrast, Last Week's "American Horror Story" Was Simply Awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             No kidding, dolls.  Like we are supposed to care about this Anna actress' career?  Do we  even care about Emma Roberts' career?  Does she?  I don't think so.

                             I am so sick of Kim Kardashian's posturing about, giving the impression she is acting, when she is not, which unfortunately turns out to be the best acting job of anyone in this crap.

                              Poor Denis O'Hare.  Did you even read the script, darling?  Or maybe you are just strapped for cash.  You deserve better.

                               The one who deserves the best is the viewer, who is not getting anything for their time.  Can anyone get the creative juices flowing?

                                 Because, as I said, it is time to nail the coffin on this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...the best acting out of the whole mess.
    God help us all if KK is the Best Actress. In Anything.

  2. I haven't seen the new season yet, but it's been one of my favorite shows, that said not every season though. I despise Cult...and Roanoke. But that shows never going to be as good as when it had Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Francis Conroy. I'm looking forward to viewing this but I despise Kim Kardashian you're right darling.

  3. Victoria,
    You said it! A good indication of where this show is headed!

  4. Mistress Maddie,
    Delightful to hear from you. "Coven" is still my favorite. And yes, how I miss Frances Conroy. Who do the Kardashinas think they are--the Gabors? Not nearly enough looks, interest or personality!
