Monday, October 2, 2023

Happy Feast Of The Guardian Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I learned about this day from the book above, when I was a child.

                                 According to Catholic doctrine, everyone on earth is assigned a Guardian Angel.  Even Cole Porter refers to one, in his famous song "True Love."  Now, the angel is assigned to watch over said individual throughout his or her life.

                                  Not much of a big deal is made of this after childhood, but I think it is important.  I would like to thank my guardian angel, who has worked overtime to guide me through some rough times, stood by me when I was not at my best, and somehow brought me to this point where I have learned to discard my judgmentalism and find happiness with my beloved David.  And our Baby Gojira, whom we just had blessed at the Blessing Of The Animals, yesterday.  

                                  The book said, of this day, as I recall, "The present he would most like from you is to behave on this day and every day."  Well, darlings, we do our best.

                                    So, let us thank all those Guardian Angels out there.  Give them this day off.

                                   Because they work 24/7 for all of our lives.

                                   That has to be the most demanding job, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. some of my favorite Christmas songs are Hark the Herald
    Angels Sing, Angels We Have Heard On High, and Angels From the Realms of Glory...

  2. Victoria,
    Those are some of mine too. I sing them at the holidays though I have never learned "Angels From The Realms Of Glory." I must give it a listen.
