Friday, October 20, 2023

Go Tell ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Will Be Lunching At Balthazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                          Hey, ANNA!  Did you hear?  I will be dining at your restaurant, on Saturday, November 18, at 2PM.  Which just happens to be my birthday.

                             So, ANNA, if you are nearby, plan to stop in.  I have so many marvelous ideas.  All about COLOR and how to use it to take "VOGUE" to the next level.

                              Really, darlings, this is serious.  I have to go as if dressing for a meeting with ANNA, because it could be just that!  I will have to really raid my closet, or go on a shopping spree, to find something that will really impress ANNA.  Also, I want the staff to be aware of my presence in advance, which is why I am posting this, because I want them to tell me what ANNA usually orders, because that is what I will order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I promise, girls, to give you a full report.

                               And, ANNA, I cannot wait to see what you wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. that’s right, next month is your Birthday Month!!!
    You always make it a good one!!!
    Definitely replicate Anna’s dinner order if you can!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Not only is November my birthday month, but I share the date and year with my friend Steve, who is fighting lymphoma, and facing a second bone marrow transplant. He is about 15 hours older than me.

    I will grill the staff on what ANNA orders till they think I AM ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh oops I see I made a mistake your birthday is November not October! My birthday is October 25th. See, this is why I need to get out my opera glasses when I'm reading post.

    1. I have made a comment before I replied. But it seems my original comment somehow disappeared.

  4. Mistress Maddie,
    I am looking forward to Balthazar. Thank you for the tip.
    Your birthday is tomorrow? Happy Happy in advance. It is also a very personal day--a good one--for me--which I will share tomorrow.
