Friday, October 20, 2023

The News Is Bad, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I recently found out that Aaron Tveit and Sutton Foster will be taking over the leads in "Sweeny Todd," after January 14, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Are you kidding me?  Really, darlings?  A TONY for "Moulin Rouge," so Tveit thinks he can sing Sondheim???????????  Save it!  As for Sutton Foster, who projected a nice chemistry with Hugh Jackman in "The Music Man--" who wouldn't? --which compensated for her vocal downplaying of Marian, who should be a lyric soprano, does she have the role in her to play?  Not a chance!!!!!!!!

                           And she thinks she can play Mrs. Lovett.  Listen, guys, the show had a great run, do not tarnish it by bringing in these inferiors.  They will ruin the mastery of the work set by Josh and Annaleigh.

                              I simply cannot bear it.  Where has the profession of casting gone?   Now that Joanna Merlin has left this world, do theatergoers have to settle for this kind of crap??????????????

                                 This is on a par with Rosie O' Donnell doing "Grease."

                                Hey, why not she as Mrs. Lovett?  She is comic, and vulgar enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Please, "Sweeney," go out a hit, and close on January 14, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. well, until they hire Us as casting agents, this is how it will be, I’m afraid.

  2. Victoria,
    If I had any ins in casting, I would volunteer, like I want to with ANNA and Andrew. If Hal Prince were alive, I would contact him.
