Tuesday, October 24, 2023

I Think The Superhero Of Our Times Should Be Captain Obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That is because, girls, with all going on around us, some may not be aware of every bit of minutiae out there.  And awareness, especially self-awareness is crucial to our day and age.

                           So, once in a while, it is good to have someone like Captain Obvious remind us of the little things we might miss.  Like that a week from Sunday is Daylight Savings Time, when we turn back the clocks an hour, so it can get darker earlier.  Groan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Though not nearly as helpful or handsome as Gojira, Captain Obvious still makes a difference in our day to day lives.  

                              Count on him when feeling your least observant and aware!


  1. lolz sometimes I think the mindset of the people around me is more Oblivious than obvious!!!
    Seriously tho, are you experiencing anxiety from the protest??
    I cannot imagine, sitting in a restaurant and witnessing an Angry Mob passing by.
    It could easily have turned violent.

  2. Victoria,
    I am glad you asked me that. Yesterday I woke up feeling very anxious,
    and I feel even more trepidatious about going outside. The neighborhood
    is calm, but the situation over there is still awful, and could trigger
    more incidents here. And I am scared for David and myself.
