Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Today Is "A Chorus Line" Day, For Me, And A Happy Birthday Wish To One Of Our Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I don't believe in violating privacy, so I will not reveal the name of the reader, only to say he is bound for the Amalfi coast, is a witty commentator on here, and so I am sure all of us wish him the best birthday celebration he deserves.

                               Today is also a special day for me.  Forty-eight years ago, my father and I went to see "A Chorus Line," on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre, back in 1975.  It was the Original Company, where I was introduced to Donna McKechnie, Kelly Bishop, Priscilla Lopez, Sammy Williams, and Pamela Blair.  How sad that two of them, Sammy and Pamela, are no longer with us.  Still, that afternoon had an impact on me; it fueled my desire to get to New York, and it was an important memory point for my father and myself.

                                 Even in his 100's, he would talk about the experience, and how wonderful it was to see it with me.  I cherish this memory too.  He also never forgot how impressed he was by Donna McKechnie.  But then, who wouldn't be????????????

                                   I miss "A Chorus Line," especially on this day, and I miss my father even more.

                                   I wish there were some way I could relive the experience.

                                   But, as long as I have the memory, I can.

                                    And, again, happy birthday to my Amalfi reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wishing YOU a Happy Chorus Line Day, and Fellow Reader a Very Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!
    I’ve never been to the Amalfi Coast, however I HAVE read “Under TheTuscan Sun”!!

  2. Victoria,
    I have never read that book; do you recommend it?
    Yes, L always recall ACL on this day. One of the more
    special moments of my life. I miss my father.
