Friday, October 13, 2023

"Kill Her, Mommy, Kill Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Yes, darlings, it is that time again, Friday, the thirteenth.  And what better way to celebrate than watching the 1980 classic.

                                 Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Voorhees, is like a mother to all the camp counselors, treating all equally, and making sure everyone gets slaughtered.  I mean, what is a mother for?  She has to protect her child, which is what she is doing.  Or so she thinks.

                                   Greatest film performance by acting with her teeth.   And check out those weird people at the soda fountain in Blairstown.  Oh, hons, with times being what they are, this is the perfect fun antidote to take you away for awhile.

                                        I think I will watch it now.  David and I have a synagogue service. tonight.


  1. how was the synagogue service??
    So glad you were able to go.
    Any updates from your friends in Israel?

  2. Victoria,
    We did not go, because for safety reasons the synagogue was closed. They said it was on ZOOM, but David never got a link. He and I watched part of a service from Temple Emmanuel.

    As for my friends, Lynn went back home to Israel--she married an Israeli and raised three boys there--but what she is coping with I do not know. I will write her in a couple of days.
    Ellen was supposed to fly out of Israel last night to Rome, spend a night there, and then fly to the States today. I will give her some time before I write.
