Friday, October 13, 2023

A Story Of Hope For These Troubled Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Yesterday, I had to go to the Bay Ridge Bookstore to pick up an order.  About a block before the store, I saw this beautiful German Shepard, very much like above, tied to a post outside, while the owner was shopping.  I hate this practice, because it is cruel to the animal, and someone could come along and steal it.  How can people be so damn dumb??????????????

                         The dog looked so sad and lonely; I bet it felt abandoned.  So, I walked up to it, and began speaking gently and affectionately.  After several minutes, the dog got up on its front legs, and sat with dignity.  I kept talking to it, and then the owner, who, from his face I could tell had a real attitude, went to unleash the dog. But while the leash was still slack, the dog came running over to me, licked my hand, and let me pet it, and scratch its ears.  Its eyes I know were saying thank you for my kindness.  

                            It made me feel good that I had done something good, and I know I had to share this with my girls, to let you know there is some good in the world, and animals are a reminder of that.

                              And please help them, if they need it.


  1. you have a genuine connection with these animals, you really do.

  2. Victoria,
    I guess I do. But I love it, and I love them.
    On our way to the movie yesterday we saw Cujo. Both of us were so glad to see each other.
