Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Something To Gladden The Hearts Of My Readers--Jessie Mueller And Jason Danieley Singing "When The Children Are Asleep, " From "Carousel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            This is probably the best rendition of this song I have ever heard, thanks to two of the best singing voices I have ever heard.  Take a moment to revel in this beauty.  As long as there is art in the world there is hope, and this song conveys it beautifully.

                              Here it is--

                             Oh, my God!  These voices!  Enjoy!


  1. “As long as there is Art in the world there is HOPE”
    I feel the same way!!!
    Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.
    As Mother Teresa said, if you are kind and generous, some people will take advantage of you. kind anyway

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed. I turn to beauty for comfort in times of trouble.
