Friday, November 24, 2023

Birthday Chronicles, Part Three--The Algonquin Hotel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          OK, girls, so now I am being whisked through the streets of Manhattan, having no idea what is in store for me.  I suddenly noticed David carrying his Mary Poppins bag, and saying we were going to a "literary hotel."  In the back of my mind, I thought, "The Algonquin? He has got to be kidding."

                           Well, dolls, that is right where we ended up.  We walked in, and I discovered David had booked a room for us at The Algonquin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!  We were going to rest up, walk to the theater and see the show, and then return to spend the night there!  A night on the town!  Literally!  I could not believe this was happening.  It all seemed like some kind of fever dream.

                            Nevertheless, that is what we did.  Our room number was 800, on the eighth floor, and we settled down comfortably to rest, which I desperately needed, after that magical experience at Balthazar.

                                We rested, until 7PM.  Then it was time to dress for the theater.

                                 To be continued, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I remember once being at the The Algonquin in the late 90's...we stopped in for a drink...and it was the night we were opposite the fabulous and ever scary hobgoblin, Elaine Strich...drunk. Her and us. She was sitting with a young woman. Well, drunken, I couldn't resist telling her how I adored her in Company, and her version of the Ladies Who Lunch was. She just stared at me, glasses down and a cigar hanging look, and relied on, cheers! And then said to my one friend, You know, it's rude to only introduce yourself to only the famous person and not the person the famous person is with. My friend then replied- Excuse me...who's the famous person here?

    I was horrified.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    Touche to your friend. Sounds like Elaine was not the most gracious, especially when in her cups. I wish I had been there, because I would, on the spot, have burst into a rendition of "The Ladies Who Lunch" that would have given Elaine a run for her money.

    By the way, the ground floor of The Algonquin has been renovated. I used to sit in the lobby and read, pretending to be a Round Table-er, but now it has lost its Thirties elegance.

  3. Victoria,
    Yes, The Algonquin. It was a wonderful experience and the service was excellent.

  4. Oh no.........not a remodel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!

    Elaine Strich was so funny, yet so scary. She also showed up unannounced at least two times I recall... when the Raven Resort in New Hope was around. She also appeared at Odettes a few times too. But the Raven...A gay resort of sorts. They had a legendary show tune piano night in the Oak Bar on Saturday nights. Think Maries Crisis, only higher end looking. Very English looking. And they took their show tunes seriously dear, I tell ya. The whole room would be in tune gathered around the grand piano. Elaine joined two occasions...with the gay boys and her libations in old fashioned glasses....the doors would fly open, and she emerged in drunken, screeching, in her raspy voice. "Lets SING SOME TUNES BOYS!" What a hoot and character she was.

    Sad the place is now gone. shuttered in 2019. End of a legend in these part. One never knew who'd show up.

  5. Mistress Maddie,
    Yes, the renovation undoes all the elegance before it.
    I have friends living near New Hope, and I have heard of The Raven.
    I have heard that room doors open and close all night...ahemn!

    So sorry the Oak Bar was shut down. What a tragedy.
