Friday, November 24, 2023

Birthday Chronicles, Part Two--The TKTS Booth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         OK, girls, so last I posted, I was being whisked out of Balthazar, half looped, and to the subway, where I operate automatically.  The R train came, and I got on it, promptly sat down with my book, relaxed, and began to read, thinking we were going back to Bay Ridge.  I got a little testy when I discovered a stop I was not familar with, and said to David, "What's going on?  Aren't we going to Bay Ridge?"

                           I should have been paying more attention to David, who, whisking me from "Balthazar" said blithely, "This is not the end of your birthday yet."  What???????????????

                          We stopped at 49th Street, familiar to me from doctor visits.  Instead, David said we were going to the TKTS booth.  Once there, we got in line, and David told me to scan the list, and pick a selection for my birthday show!

                             I scanned the list, and there were so many options.  Yet, in the back of my mind, I was thinking, "We are going to the theater at night?  And on a Saturday, yet?"  Something we just don't do.  I supposed we would take a cab or an Uber home, because there is no way, in this day and age, either of us would ride the subway at night.  And from 49th Street it is about an hour ride to our neighborhood.

                            I knew the subject would be hard for David, and me, as well, but I really wanted to see "Harmony."  So, that is what I chose.  Now, we have these two tickets for a show that does not start till 8PM.  It was 4:30, in the afternoon.  I asked David what we will do till eight, because I am far too old to start hanging around stage doors to the theaters, at my age.  He said we were going to the hotel to rest.  Again, it was like I had not heard him. A hotel?  What on earth?

                         To be continued, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. there was some young travel writer who mocked those of us who need to rest during our adventures.
    Welp, it’s coming for you eventually, kid!!!

  2. Victoria,
    And how! I could do more when younger and did.
    But now I do what I am able and feel good about it, because I am fully conscious and don't feel like I am hanging from the ceiling.
