Saturday, November 18, 2023

I Made It, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Last Year Of My Sixties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24, 885 Days On Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Yes, darlings, today we end Musical Theater Week with its culmination--my birthday!

                             How did I get to age 69 so fast?  That means next year I turn......oh, God, I am old!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But I don't feel old, and I share this day with two great Collines--the late Dorothy, who originated Sally in "Follies," back in 1971, and my friend, Steve, a star in his own right, and a fighter still battling and coming out strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               To think my mother had no idea what she was in for, on this day, being I was a preemie.  But then her water broke, and oops! the show was on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I did not arrive till 11;45 PM, but as today is already the 18th I count myself as 69.  Thanks to all on here who got me through this year.  But most of all, my beloved David, who keeps me going.

                                 As well as Sister Camille and all my animal friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Happy Birthday to me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. !!!!Happy Birthday!!!!!
    We want to hear about how you celebrated, starting with the Food!!!
    the epic Birthday Lunch!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday dear !!!!! Here's to 60 more!!! Cheers

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    Thank you for the good wishes. I appreciate them. Hope your trip was wonderful.

  4. Victoria,
    Well, as you know, much has been going on. So I will eventually post the details of my birthday celebration.
