Wednesday, November 8, 2023

It Is Here! Nine Hundred Ninety-Two Pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All The Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  No, darlings, I have not bought it, nor have I read it.

                                  And I am not sure I am going to.

                                  Having felt I grew up with BARBRA, and during the "Funny Girl" period wanting to BE her, having read much about her over the years--hell, decades-- I don't know how much more I can know about BARBRA, or would want to, without knowing her personally.

                                     Almost a thousand pages.  Hubris?  Arrogance?

                                    If I hear this is juicy, where she grinds axes, I may give it a glance.

                                    BARBRA does deserve to have the last word.

                                     But must she shove so much down our throats??????????????????????



  1. Now she’s claiming she “didn’t have much fun” all her life.
    I don’t care, I Still kind of want to BE her!!!!
    Like you, Will Read If Juicy.

  2. Victoria,
    I am with you. But during the "Funny Girl" period, stage and film, I SO wanted to be her.
    Every so often I still belt "When The Sun Comes Out."
