Thursday, November 9, 2023

This Is A Tragic Day, Darlings, With Two Sad Anniversaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The first is the 85th Anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night Of Glass, where stones and bricks were thrown at Jewish affiliated businesses and places of worship in Germany.  It triggered what become known as the Holocaust, and with the situation in Israel, seems even more prescient today.


                            And, on this day, 52 years ago, John List, aged 46, killed his wife Helen, his mother Alma, and his three children, Patricia, Frederick and John, Jr.  He planned the act for November 1, which was All Saints Day.  It was his belief they were living in a world of sin and would go on to sinful deeds--Patty was already active in theater!!!!!--and felt they would be better off if he sent them to heaven.  He even allowed the daughter a Halloween party, knowing it would be her last night alive.  But something cancelled the plan--a part that did not arrive, maybe--and it was done on the 9th.  The connection to Kristallnacht is chillingly coincidental.  Nothing I have read on List indicated it was ever on his mind.

                          Nevertheless, this is a tragic day.  May all rest in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Tragic indeed.
    There was a violent protest yesterday after a screening of a film
    the Irony. Or Hypocrisy.
    Or Both.

  2. Victoria,
    I think it is both. And wasn't it ironic that my med appt.
    was scheduled on this day.
