Thursday, November 30, 2023

What Else Can I Say About November, Darlings.............But Thanks?????????????????????

                               Can you believe it, girls, here we are at the end of the eleventh month.  Only one more to go in 2023.  This month seemed to fly by.

                                Between my birthday, and its iconic celebration, Musical Theater Week, seeing "Harmony" on Broadway, having my beloved David, and sharing making it through another year with him, all I can say to November is thank you, and that I am proud to have been born in this month, rather than the one I was supposed to have been born in, which was January!  Who knew how things would have turned out, then????????????

                               All in all, November was a great month, girls, and I hope it was for you.

                            Now comes the holiday hysteria of December.  And I am scheduled for an endoscopy on the 13th.  Wish me well, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You’ll get through it!! The WAITING is brutal though isn’t it.
    We’re taking mother to a couple musical theater productions this month!!

  2. Victorria,
    Let me know what musical theater productions you go to,
    and how they were. Yes, the waiting is bad, but the real
    anxiety will come next week.
