Friday, December 1, 2023

This Will Be A Very Different December, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Welcome, girls, to the final month of 2023.   Where has the time gone?

                          This year, instead of themes, I have decided to let the month takes me to wherever it does.  Oh, to be sure, there will be plenty of Holiday cheer, and honor to the Baby Jesus, but I thought I would start the month off in a Musical Theater way.

                           For those unfamiliar with the above photo, this is the human Christmas tree from the original 1959 production of "Gypsy."  No other production since has ever included this, and it is a shame.  If I were ever to stage "Gypsy," not only would I use the tree, but I would also adhere, while telling the story, to Jerome Robbins' notion of making this a concept musical celebrating the American variety stage.

                            Still, it is holiday appropriate, colorful, spectacular, and not a bit risqué. So let me begin this December by wishing you a very happy holiday season.  Let's celebrate, darlings!  Dance to the music!

                            And here is another Musical Theater bon bon--the original 1966 production of  "MAME," and its classic opening, "St. Bridget."  The reason I included it is according to the liner notes, the opening takes place on December 1, 1928, with Patrick Dennis and Agnes Gooch having just arrived in New York City, seeing his Auntie MAME.  Cherish the voices, and the memories.

                             So, that is how I am starting December, darlings!  Oh, one more thing--

                          Sweets to the sweet, girls!  May this be a happy December, for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Baby Jesus wants it that way!


  1. yes let us focus on the many Good things in our lives!!
    I am surrounded by too much negativity!! I refuse to let it drag me down!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, kick that negativity out! We have a neighbor,
    who is a very nice woman, but SO negative; all she
    bemoans is the way America is today as opposed to then.
    Of course, she is MAGA. I hate listening to her.
