Saturday, December 2, 2023

Girls, The Actress Playing Mother Nature In This Cold Medicine Commercial Reminds Me So Much Of Tilda Swinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This ad used to get aired a lot, then went away, and now it has come back. I bet it is because of the actress portraying Mother Nature, who makes me think of Tilda Swinton in "Orlando!"

                               Wonder if they wanted to get Tilda in the first place?  They probably could not meet her price.

                              Or maybe they decided, with this actress, to go for the Tilda look.  In any case, I love this commercial, and I wish the actress in it more work.  She is deserving, based on her performance here.

                             And if anyone out there can tell me who she is, let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. wow she really IS channeling Tilda!!
    I’ve tried coldeeze, airborne and a couple other such products; they didn’t do anything for me.
    Idk sometimes I think you have to BELIEVE it’s working, to get any positive effect.

  2. Victoria,
    At first, I thought it was Tilda. And I agree with you about OTC cold medeicine.
    Seeing a doctor is best.
