Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Gojira Gives An Award Calibre Performance In "Godzilla Minus One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



                           Make no mistake about it, girls, the best performance by a male actor in a leading role should go to Gojira.  Already there is Oscar buzz for him to get a nomination in his latest film; the first non-human to do so.

                            Audiences love him, and the box-office shows it.  And the Japanese--this is in Japanese language, with English subtitles--know the difference, and show him respect.  When they say his name you can hear, "Gojira!"

                              This film plays around with different tropes--the damage done to postwar Japan by the atomic bomb, the faults of the Japanese government, and now Gojira--something else to deal with.

                                Gojira gives a performance of great emotionality in an interpretation that is extremely Shakespearean.  Not only is he King Of The Monsters, but he is also King Lear.  Never forget, Gojira was a victim of the atomic bomb, too.  He did not ask to be summoned to Earth.  No wonder he is angry and frustrated.  He also recognizes the need for urban renewal and does his share toward those efforts.  When he is on the screen, viewers cannot take their eyes off him; he is the true star.  Gojira is real for me, but I wish he was actually real.  I think there are a few world problems Gojira could solve.  The film is very careful not to show him harming women or children; that is not his way.  But when he lets use with his fury and his signature roar, it is breathtaking, and, again, Shakespearean.

                                  I urge everyone to go and see this production.  But don't make the mistake David and I did.  We never heard of 4DK, which we saw all over the walls of the theater.  It is a technical gimmick that gives the viewer the Gojira Experience.  When he stomps his feet, one feels it.  When he emerges from the water, one is squirted.  And when he knocks over a gigantic ship, the seat rocks with the viewer, making one feel...well, I came out with motion sickness.

                                  Some screening rooms show it minus the 4DK.  This is recommended, for those who just want to enjoy a star turn.  Not only is Gojira the star performance of the year, the movie could very well be judged as one of the year's best.

                                     We on here love you, Gojira!  See you at the Academy Awards!

                                       Baby Gojira and Little Pippin are so excited, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I’ve heard good things about both the movie itself, and the 4dx experience.
    I’d probably prefer it Without, myself.

  2. Victoria,
    Unless you are big on amusement rides, opt for the non 4DK experience if you go. The movie is actually good. I was surprised.
