Thursday, December 7, 2023

Gojira Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas And Joyous Holiday Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           As we prepare to light the Hanukah candles tonight, and put up the Christmas decorations on Friday, Gojira wants to take time out from resting on the laurels of his latest film, and wish everyone on here a joyous Holiday season, no matter the feast celebrated..

                             The lovable reptilian movie star is ready to share gifts with us all, and as Santa's best assistant, next to Rudolph, he is so happy to bring happiness to others.

                               Which is what this season is all about.  So, let us follow Gojira's example!

                                Happy Holidays, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Holidays from over here in Virginia!!
    From myself, my grouchy but hardworking husband, my two cats and two dogs, and my Honorary cat.
    Neighbors down the street moved and left her behind.
    Yes, that is what they did.
    She eventually found her way, confused and frightened, to our house.
    We love her very much.

  2. Victoria,
    And the same to you and yours from Brooklyn,
    including Little Pippin.
    How could anyone abandon a cat?
    Glad you did the right thing.
    I still worry about Nicholas.
