Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Happy Last Day Of Autumn, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Remember, girls, according to how I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st.

                       But, really, did we even have an Autumn?  It seems like we didn't.  What with climate change, it feels like going from Summer to Winter.

                        Winter starts tomorrow, and it always seems the longest of the seasons.  

                         Autumn has become sort of an afterthought.

                       Except, girls, there are still four seasons, and I believe in that.  So, let us say goodbye to Autumn today--no matter what its permeation--and get ready to welcome Winter.

                        I mean, the shortest day, Christmas, New Year's.....who says this is not an exciting time?

                        But when they end, then comes the crash of Seasonal Affect Disorder.

                        Goodbye, Autumn; Happy Winter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I’m kind of concerned about your SAD this year.
    It’s like, no matter what you do, it’s comin’ for you!!
    It just seems like the suffering and injustice in this world is getting more and more outrageous, the tragedies more and more tragic somehow...

  2. Victoria,
    You are so right. But thank God I have David to help me get through it.
