Thursday, December 21, 2023

Happy First Day Of Winter, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Well, girls, it is official.  Today is the first day of Winter, and that means a long cold season ahead.  Time to read Victorian novels, cuddle up with coffee, tea or cider, and make the next three months go by, in order to greet Spring.

                              With Winter here, the holiday season really gets into gear; only four days till Christmas, dolls, so let me hear it--ARE WE READY????????????????????????

                                I guess I am as ready as I will always be, what with this concert coming up, which I am just going to do my best, and get through the experience.  I just hope my voice stays in perfect shape, so I can deliver the goods on Sunday December 24.

                                  But here is Winter and let us enjoy it.  Normally, I would post here the song "Winter Was Warm," from "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol."  It is a gorgeous song, but it is so sad, and I want no sadness this year.  Only happiness to all, and good cheer.

                                   Here's to Winter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. winter lost its way that year...
    the Yearning!!!!!
    I love Mr, Magoo’s Christmas Carol.
    Razzleberry dressing!!

  2. Victoria,
    I have loved it and that song since I was a child.
    Says something about my burgeoning romanticism.
    I would love some Razzleberry dressing or figgy pudding!
