Thursday, December 21, 2023

See How Lovable Our Reptilian Friend, Gojira, Is?????????????????????????????

                           Whether on the Hollywood red carpet, or just hanging out with friends, Gojira is lovable, and everyone loves him.  Just look at the grosses on his latest film.  And Oscar talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But Gojira loves helping those in need, and he especially loves the children, who flock around him to get a great big hug from this dinosaur with a great big heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I hear that over the weekend, he is going to wear a Santa hat, and hand out gifts to needy children.  Which is why everyone in this house loves him.

                                  Merry Christmas, Gojira!  Keep spreading happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Gojira is the Real Deal, not some fake, self important showbiz type!!!
    Like children, he is Pure of Heart!!

  2. Victoria,
    He sure is, and he does care about children.
    He is so good in his latest film; I wish he could be Oscar nominated.
    But we love him here in this house, no matter what.
    And Baby Gojira and Little Pippin, too.
