Friday, December 22, 2023

Today Is The Shortest Day Of The Year, Darlings, So Get Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Is Tonight The Longest Night? Or Was It Last Night??????????????????

                            Every year, at this time, the question plagues me.  The good news is that starting tomorrow, the days will let longer, so that, eventually, it will not be turning dark at 4;30 in the afternoon, which is so depressing.  I mean, some of us are still enjoying afternoon tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is the day we have all been building to since June 22.  That's right., just six months after Meryl's birthday.   Now, start looking forward to the days drawing out, as we celebrate the holidays.

                               Whatever you do with the time you have got on this day, girls, make sure it is enriching!

                                  How about some Gucci???????????  Or Dior????????????????


  1. thanks for that reminder; let’s make our time Count!!
    I see far too many retired folks seemingly content with doing Nothing.
    Sure, we’ve worked hard all our lives and have earned this time of ease, I just don’t want t fall into the trap of meaningless pursuits.
    You have inspired me to aim higher!!
    Suggestions welcome!!!

  2. Victoria,
    As I have told others, retirement for me goes as fast as if not faster than when I was working!
