Thursday, December 14, 2023

I Survived My Endoscopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        A week back, when I told my neurologist I was scheduled for an endoscopy, he reassured me it was nothing.  Then he asked me how old I was.  I told him I had recently turned 69. He said it was about time I had one.

                          So, yesterday, an anxious mess, my beloved David accompanied me to the center where it was done, at the end of the world in Manhattan, on the West Side, between 11th and 12th Avenues.  I mean, darlings, the river was right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I was prepped and wheeled in.  They put something for me to clamp down on with my mouth; I was afraid I was going to be intubated.  The next thing I remember is laying in my bed in the prep spot, and a nurse came in, and I said, "When am I going to have this endoscopy?"  The nurse smiled and said, "Oh, you are all done.  You've had it."  I had no idea.

                             I did not have a sore throat, and my voice sounded the same.  I trilled a few notes and found I could do it.  But I am holding back on singing till Sunday's rehearsal.

                               I want to especially thank David who endured other, and everyone who reassured me along the way.

                                As Eugene says, at the end of "Brighton Beach Memoirs," "Onward and upward!"


  1. see, this is why I like general anesthesia.
    I want to be OUT.
    So thankful it is Over With!!
    No more appointments until next year, right?!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I have two more visits for blood work and that is it.
