Monday, December 11, 2023

Girls, Wouldn't We All Want To Look Like This For Christmas????????????????????????

                        I mean, that crisp white blouse!  That floral bow tie!  Those pink pants, white shoes, and pink nail polish on fingers and toes to match!!!!!!!!!!!!  Plus, that waste line!  Wouldn't we all just love to have THAT, girls????????????????

                       It is Christmas time, and time to present that singing rage, Miss Patti Page!   I would love to look like this for one Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       But most of all, it is time for Patti to sing.  Here is one of my favorites of hers--

                                Here is Patti singing "Jingle Bells" enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. you KNOW I’d love to look like Patti Page!!
    Unfortunately these days I’m looking more like Patty McCormack!!
    We’ve been a little under the weather over here!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, dear, are you all right? Two of our older friends, whom we are seeing on Sunday recently had Covid again. And she has to go back to Sloan Kettering in January for some"treatment."
