Saturday, December 9, 2023

Tonight May Be A Good Night To Exercise Those Options, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If only "Svengoolie" were showing 1935's "The Raven," which is a real gem, just like last week's lavishly Technicolored "The Mystery Of The Wax Museum," where, if one looked hard enough, not only could Queen Victoria could be spotted moving her eyes, but so other actors portraying wax figures.

                                     Unfortunately, "Svengoolie" is offering the 1963 version.  Now, it has an all-star cast, and a scene stealing raven.  Those who have not seen it may find it entertaining, and worth it to see this trio of pros in one film. However, the film is reduced to camp hilarity, with Peter Lorre stealing the show; imagine The Three Stooges in a horror film, and this is what it amounts to.

                                         So, tonight, in this house, options may be exercised.  Having mentioned "The Bad Seed" yesterday, it is a possibility, as it can always be counted on to deliver.  Again, those having never seen it are urged to; I promise you will never forget it.

                                          But, whatever we decide, I shall report all to you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Have a fabulous Saturday night, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. so what did you end up doing?!!
    myself, I went to a Christmas Hymn Sing!!!
    Uplifting and Fun!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, we watched, something all right!
    Wait till I post about it.
