Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Real "Six Degrees Of Separation," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    January has really been a month for people to pass.  Besides several celebrities, I lost my step-nephew Ian, and now a good friend of mine for over 30 years is facing his oncoming. demise.

                                     On January 11, Lynne Marta died, at the age of 78.  For reasons I never could understand, my sister knew Lynne and her older sister, as did my cousin Judy, who lived in North Brunswick, New Jersey.  I still don't get the connection.

                                      But Lynne's was a name I heard throughout my childhood.  She had gone out to Los Angeles to make it as an actress, and, as a child, I looked up to her, because that was what I wanted to do.  Or so I said.  Lynne, with her blonde good looks, became a working actress--the A list eluded her, but she always worked.  Fame kissed her briefly when she became an item with David Soul, during his "Starsky and Hutch" period.  Oddly enough, Soul died exactly a week before Lynne.  They never married, but even after the breakup she was always linked with Soul.  

                                        So many deaths this month, it has been sad.  But Lynne's death touched me personally, because of the fragile connection.  I wish I had met her.

                                          Rest In Peace, Lynne.  You made something of yourself.


  1. They died exactly a week apart??
    I don’t know what to think!!

  2. Victoria,
    It is strange. But I think that even though they stopped being an item, the connection betwen them was stronger than both knew.
