Thursday, January 25, 2024

Oh, My God! No Greta Gerwig Or Gojira?????????????????????????

                         On January 23, an unexpectedly early time that caught me by surprise, the Oscar nominations were announced.  I will get to others in another post, but I am here right now to say it is a disgrace that Greta Gerwig was not nominated for "Barbie," considering the pink Barbieland sequences, where we all wanted to go.  As for Gojira, well the film landed a Special Effects nod, and should surely win, but not to nominate the film for Best Picture and Gojira for Best Actor In A Leading Role, after the Shakespearean, King Lear-like performance he gave is inexcusable.  Look how handsome he is, a true star.  He may not have been nominated but he is Hollywood's Box-Office King, which is more than can be said about what was nominated.

                             Gojira is sensitive; he was hurt, but he is taking it well.  But how about Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman, who should have been singled out for "May/December?"  Or Margot Robbie who made "Barbie" work because she WAS Barbie????????????????????????

                             I will say more in another post.  But let's hear a big cheer for Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             He truly is "The Greatest Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. Victoria,
    They were. However, Gojira is the nation's number one box-office king!
