Friday, January 26, 2024

Darlings, Wouldn't We All Like To Look Like Lee Radziwill???????????????????????????

                                     With Ryan Murphy's presentation about Truman Capote and The Swans fast approaching, there will be a lot of focus on Lee.  I could be shot in some quarters for saying this, but Lee was the prettiest of the Bouvier girls.  Sure, Jackie had style and class, no one can deny it, but Lee outshone her in those departments, so I would much rather want to look like her.

                                      Now, Calista Flockhart is going to be playing her, if you can believe that.  I hope they had movement coaches on the set, because she is going to have to be taught to stand, pose and walk like Lee, and that will take some doing.

                                         Yes, Babe Paley was perfect, but I think Lee was the classiest of The Swans. Along with C.Z. Guest and Joanne Carson, she did not abandon Capote like the others did, which speaks of her integrity.  You know, I am going to have to re-read "Answered Prayers," if I ever finish "Bleak House," though I will, because I am not sure what Capote put out there to make him an outcast. I mean, everyone in New York, darlings, knew Bill Paley was screwing everything in sight, so what was the big deal?  And the hoi polloi would not read about it, only the literati and Capote devotees.  So, I really don't know why they all got in such a snit.  Guess I will find out.

                                            I never got to have lunch with Lee or the rest.  Too bad, because maybe things might have turned out differently.

                                             And just because I knocked on Tennessee Williams' Key West door, at fifteen, does not mean there is any truth to the rumors flying about that I slept with Truman Capote!

                                              I only read--and still read--his books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Love you, Lee!  A true role model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh yes, Lee most definitely surpasses her sister in style, class, AND beauty!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am glad you agree. Jackie probably garnered more attention as a President's wife. I am pretty sure had she not been, Lee would have been the center of glamour.
