Friday, January 26, 2024

I Wanted It, I Got It, But It Took Twenty-Three Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Norman Jewison left a wonderful legacy of full ranged work behind, when he left us on January 20, at the age of 97.  Sure, 1967's "In The Heat Of The Night" was brilliant, but my favorite movie of his, impacting on my life, was "Moonstruck."

                                            When I first saw the film in 1987, I was struck by its warmth and charm.  I was living in Brooklyn then, so I related to the whole Brooklyn thing, and I related to Loretta wanting something real.  And when she changed into her outfit and went to the opera......  I fell in love with "La Boheme," and am still fond of it.  But most of all "Moonstruck" gave me the belief that I could have all this.  And I never stopped believing that.

                                                I saw the film, over and over again, just to see Loretta walking the streets on her way home, in that fur coat, kicking the cane, to the strains of "La Boheme."  And, for a time I had that "La Boheme" poster in my first apartment.  I made a foolish mistake and gave it away.

                                                     Then in 2010, I met my David.  In 2017, the 30th Anniversary of "Moonstruck," we got married, and have been happy ever since.  

                                                      So, darlings, "Moonstruck" is possible.  I may dine in Italian restaurants infrequently, due to age, but I would still love that fur coat, and to pose, like Cher, alongside the moon.

                                                        "Do you love him, Loretta?"                                                                                                                           Ma, I love him madly."                                                                                                                                   Oh, that's too bad."

                                                      Probably the wisest lines in the film.

                                                      Norman Jewison is gone, but "Moonstruck" will live on as his testimony to all aspiring romantic couples.

                                                         "A la familial," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. hmm I never saw that movie!!
    Now I want to!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Hard to believe you have never seen "Moonstruck." You must, and tell me. It will make you feel SO good!!!!!!!!!!!!
