Saturday, January 20, 2024

Girls, Join Us Tonight At Eight, As "Svengoolie" Presents "The Evil Of Frankenstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         I remember reading about this film in an issue of "Famous Monsters Of Filmland," back in 1964.  That is right, darlings, 60 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         At that time, I thought this film might be fun and scary.  All these years later, I am not so sure.

                                          Reading about it, it sounds to me like a Hammer remake of Universal's 1939 "Son Of Frankenstein."  Peter Cushing, playing Dr. Frankenstein---or a descendant thereof????--returns to his town where he has been persecuted, and sets up lab work to begin his experiments again.  Now, why would you return to a small town where you were persecuted?  That would be like an out gay man returning to the places of his torment.

                                             Peter Cushing, I know, will give his usual exemplary performance, so I am not worried about him.  I don't think Christopher Lee is playing the Monster in this one, and I do not know any of the cast members.  Will it be campy?  Serious?  I can't tell you, because I have never seen it.  And if "Svengoolie" has shown it previously, it was long before David and I were watching him.  As well as Baby Gojira and Kerwyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, join us tonight for this potentially interesting exploration into Hammer horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 We might be pleasantly surprised. Hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I read a biography of Peter Cushing years ago.
    Some things that stood out to me, he was afraid of the dark, he was a vegetarian, he met his wife while performing in a Noel Coward play in World War Two, he was completely devoted to her and devastated when she died, he was an artist, he collected toy soldiers, was in Star Wars, was fastidious about dental hygiene, and wasn’t particularly fond of horror films!! He preferred Musicals!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I always thought Cushing had more to him than just his horror parts. But that made him the money. I remember him in "Star Wars." He always seemed distinguished, and tried to elevate the parts he did. He reminds me of Dwight Frye, who hated being typecast in horror parts, but they paid the bills. He died young at 44.
