Monday, January 22, 2024

Now, THIS Is How One Enters For Afternoon Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The woman pictured is Babe Paley, who was one of the Cushing sisters--oh, my God, darlings, the Cushing sisters!  Wouldn't we have wanted to be one of them??????????????????????

                                    When it came to glamour, Babe ran New York City.  She was Truman Capote's prime swan till the scandal, and of her he rightly said, "Babe Paley had one flaw.  She was perfect.  Other than that, she was perfect?"  How many people can we say that about, loves?  I can think of several myself, starting with my beloved David.

                                        Why does no one dress like this, anymore?  Or care?

                                        And that hat! I would LOVE to wear that hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I want it!! I Need it!!!
    Has David made that pink cake for you yet?!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    No pink cake yet, but we did go to Chadwick's on Sunday,
    and David picked out the show he wanted--"Oh Mary!," where Cole Escola, who played Chassie
    Tucker on Amy Sedaris' show plays Mrs. Lincoln! That is Sunday February 11.
