Tuesday, January 9, 2024

"Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It is here, girls.  The decorations are down, the holidays are over, the Christmas songs stop playing, trees are discarded, and everything seem to come to a screeching halt.

                           This is the time of year I hate the most.  My Seasonal Affect Disorder kicks in.  It is dark and dreary, and while I fill that time with Victorian novels--they go great with this season; this year I will be undertaking a re-read of "Bleak House," by Dickens--I really don't get my mojo for the year until around March.

                            As I have said to others, had I been a full-term baby, I would have been born around mid-January; I wonder if that would have made a difference?

                              But I have my books, my readers, and most of all, my David.  Hey, we are celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary tomorrow, and that is certainly something to look forward to.

                                 Maybe be the time will just slip away, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hope you’re feeling well enough to Celebrate!!
    I know you felt terrible that you were sick for David’s birthday, but hey, you only got sick because someone Else coughed or sneezed around you!!! Some of my relatives Still believe you catch a cold from BEING cold. No matter how much i explain, no, it’s from airborne droplet nuclei and people not Washing Their Hands!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am feeling better, my voice is slowly coming back. Catching a cold from being cold? Hard to believe they still believe that. Stay true to yourself, as Polonius said.
