Friday, February 2, 2024

More "Swan" Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, let me tell you, I can so relate to Babe Paley, because on an average day it takes me hours before I emerge from the bathroom and bedroom fully coiffed.  So, I know exactly what she goes through, though my marriage is a happy one.  Still, we all have to look perfect for our husbands, don't we?

                            But what about the other Swans?  Well, darlings, that is what I am here for.  Over the years on this blog, long before this series was even thought of, I have written about "The Swans," so you can read about them, too.  On the home page of my blog, in the upper left-hand corner is a small search bar.  Just type in the name of any of these women, and whatever I have written over the years, will appear.  Then you can keep up more with what is going on and appreciate the series and these women more. 

                             Now, I must go, and tend to myself, darlings!  Remember, elegance is the key to success!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               If only commercial trash, like Martha Stewart, knew that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, never get so “comfortable” in marriage that we stop making the effort to look our best!!!
