Thursday, February 15, 2024

"Ratman's Notebooks" Is What Should Have Been Filmed! NOT "Willard" (1971)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Good as the 1971 film is, it cannot hold a candle to Stephen Gilbert's 1968 novel, "Ratman's Notebooks."  And don't dismiss the picture in the second image, because that is used in the original novel.

                                   The titular character is nameless, like the heroine in "Rebecca."  The only characters named are Mr. Jones, the cruel boss, and rats Socrates, and Ben; the latter who, initially is named "Solomon," in the novel.

                                     The novel is written as a series of journal entries, that traces the individual's descent into madness better than the film could.  And though Bruce Davison gave an excellent performance, if this story were to be redone as it was written the actor should be a paunchy, unassuming Daivd Berkowitz type of guy.  And, yes, in the novel, a rat mask is found in the attic, which he wears, and people imagine him as Ratman, with claws to match.

                                          The sad thing is as the novel progresses, he seems headed toward normality--his relationship with the girl is blossoming into marriage, his father's company is regained, and it looks like they will be living in a restored version of his house--until the rats, headed by Ben, seek their vengeance.

                                               And the novel comes with a mystery--a small prologued and epilogue, explaining how this manuscript was found and fallen into other's people's hands.  Its opening reminded me of the introduction to Henry James' "The Turn Of The Screw!"  As did the epilogue.

                                                Readers owe it to themselves to read "Ratman's Notebooks" to get an idea of how potentially great this story could have been, had it been filmed properly.

                                                  With the added tragedy that the narrator was finding his way out of madness, but things unfortunately caught up with him.

                                                      Don't mess with rats, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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