Thursday, February 15, 2024

Required Viewing For All On Here, And Beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Cole Escola, who blew me away as Chassie Tucker on Amy Sedaris' TV show, is now performing in a play he wrote.  It is called "Oh, Mary!" and, hons, if you thought Sally Field was something as Mary Todd Lincoln, Cole goes at her full blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              His play hits all the tropes--that Mary was unstable, an alcoholic, that Lincoln was gay, and in spite of his not being a looker got guys to fool with--but in a comically, laughable way that is the highest of high camp!  Good as the other actors are in this show, I wish the whole thing had just been Cole Escola as Mary onstage.  During the few moments he is off stage, the show weakens considerably.

                              It is already a hit, darlings, so, remember you heard it first, here.  Because, when we went to the performance, last Sunday, the house was packed.  I haven't seen so many queens in one place since Show Music nights at Splash!  Ooops!  I am dating myself, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Make a date, girls, to see "Oh, Mary!"   It is the laugh riot of the season!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  See Mary try to fulfill her dream.....of being a cabaret singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not everything of quality is uptown, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!