Saturday, March 30, 2024

A Belated Happy Birthday To Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Yesterday was not only Good Friday.  It was Amy Sedaris' birthday.  She turned 63, and how many of us look good at that age?

                            And isn't this shot cute?  The snake is adorable. It reminds me of the boa constrictor I petted and made his tongue pop out in contentment, when visiting Dr. John's Voodoo Shop in the French Quarter in New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Which would not be a bad idea for Amy to do a show from.  Nor the Garden District.  The point being, where is Amy, and why have we not seen enough of her?  Cole Escola, with whom she worked is the Toast Of The Town in "Oh, Mary!"  So, let's Amy on stage or in front of a camera pronto, because her beauty, sense of color and outrageous cheerfulness are sorely needed..

                                   Happy, Happy Birthday, Amy!   Your fans desperately want you back!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sixty Three?!!! What is her Secret!!!
    apparently she is doing a one night show, An Evening With Amy Sedaris, followed by audience Q & A, later this month.
    In Houston, Texas!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am glad Amy is performing. I hope she brings that show to NYC!
