Sunday, March 31, 2024

"And On Dawn, Of The First Day Of The Week, Mary Magdalene Carried Spices To The Tomb, To Anoint The Body Of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Happy Easter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Easter is primarily the Resurrection of Jesus, but it is also Mary Magdalene's big moment, when she carries spices to the tomb.  I always wanted to get up at dawn, and reenact Mary Magdalene going to the tomb, but, at this age, the thought of rising at dawn is inconceivable. 

                                              Nevertheless, I wish everyone on here a blessed Easter, however you celebrate it.  We are going to Manhattan to see Charles Busch's latest play, "Ibsen's Ghost," and then back home for--of course! --the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette," with Jennifer Jones in her stunning, Academy Award winning performance.  Seeing it so late at night, I will be emotionally wiped out from it.

                                                   However you celebrate Easter, may it be joyous for you.


                               And, girls, don't forget, Fred takes Judy to the "Easter Parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. "Nadine, get out all the hounds, we're going for a walk."

    Happy Easter dear! And remember this is the day when you can place all your eggs in one basket!

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    The same to you! We actually saw a bit of the real Easter Parade yesterday, in the city.
    Then home to "The Song Of Bernadette." It was a perfect Easter, for me. Hope yours was, too.

    I have to go out tomorrow. I hope I still have some pink blush!
