Sunday, March 31, 2024

Farewell To March, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           It was a strange month, March of 2024.  The beginning was OK, especially seeing "Wicked," and its being in such good shape.  It was also the March Of The Mammoths, where one selects a book of eight hundred or more pages, and finishes it in March.  My choice was "Shantaram," by Gregory David Roberts.  If I had the entire day to read, I could finish it, having only 118 pages to go.  But, since I did not begin it till March 15, one has to say that is pretty good.

                            And I might have finished sooner had I not been waylaid by those five inexplicable days of depression, which I still think had to do with my thyroid.  I will be sure to consult my endocrinologist next month.

                            April brings the showers and the flowers.  We have some exciting events coming up, and a cluster of sad death anniversaries.  T. S. Eliot said it was the cruelest month.

                              So, farewell to March, we are one fourth through 2024, and I will see you on here, next month!

                               Happy Spring, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. so many of us battle anxiety and depression.
    not that I’d Wish it on anyone of course, just know, you have a LOT of company.
    plus it was Holy Week, so emotions are heightened, both joyful AND profoundly sad.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you. It is comforting to know I am not alone.
    And others suffer worse than I do, so I am thankful I am
    managing all reasonably.
