Monday, April 1, 2024

Welcome, April!!!!!!!!!!!! May We All Look As Doris In This Poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Now, girls, this film was made before Doris Day became a virgin.  That's right, because she did not become a virgin until she made "Pillow Talk," in 1959, with Rock Hudson!  Imagine if we could just become a virgin like Doris.  Hmm..........Consider the possibilities.

                                           T. S. Eliot said April was the cruelest month, and honey child had a point.  At least as far as our family is concerned.  Because there are several death anniversaries starting with the most painful of all, my mother's, which is tomorrow.  Painful because it was my mother, and because I was a young, emotionally immature 24, who was not ready for the world, but was thrust into it, by this event.  Sure, I have come a long way, but I have never forgotten the three-and-a-half years that followed.  Which is how long it took to get over my mother's death.  So, maybe it is a good thing that I have a lab appointment tomorrow.

                                           But really, girls, I want this April to be gay and carefree, just like Doris, pictured above.  A pretty dress and a sexy twirl can do wonders!

                                             Don't let it have you crashing to the floor, though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hope you managed to get through the very sad day somehow.
    I was going to ask you something about Ray Bolger but it escapes me at the moment .

  2. Victoria,
    Thak you for the concern. Celia Keenan-Bolger has been asked if she and her siblings are related to Ray. There is a possibility but she says it has never been confirmed.
