Monday, April 1, 2024

"The Werewolf," From 1956, Is Campy, But At Heart It Is A Heartbreaking Film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Who could have known????????????????

                                  Several weeks ago, before I had my thyroid/ anxiety attack, I was posting on campy horror films I never got a chance to see, and which Svengoolie never shows.  Before getting to this film, let me tell you, I think I have found "Curcuru Beast Of The Amazon, and I look forward to sharing that with you all.

                                    Duncan Marshall wanders mysteriously into a town, confused and worried that something is wrong with him.  Then murders start happening, attributed to a werewolf.  Now, this movie plays fast and loose with the myth--ie; the full moon--because some scenes take place in daylight.  There is a reason for that.

                                      Duncan was a businessman, traveling with colleagues several towns over, when he was in a car accident.  The other two died, but Duncan survived, only to be found by a mad scientist and his assistant, who use a serum to revert man to a primitive state, thus turning Duncan into a werewolf.  And he has no idea why this is happening.

                                         If this sounds familiar, it is because the makers of 1957's "Mark Of The Vampire," which I posted on here last month, seem to have borrowed the plot of this film, but minus the heartbreak.

                                          Duncan's wife, Helen, and son, Chris, find him, and discover what is happening.  There is an especially sad scene where, in his prison cell, they all embrace for the last time, as all know he will eventually become the werewolf, and get killed, which does happen.  I cried real tears over this!  Imagine, a fifth-rate cheapie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And that is not all that was borrowed for this film.  Columbia made it, and I swear they borrowed the same make-up used on Matt Willis as Andreas Obry, thirteen years before, in "The Return Of The Vampire."  If you don't believe me, take a look at Andreas--

                          Here is Matt Willis as Andreas.  Note the similarities in make-up????????????????

                           "The Werewolf" is disappointing, but its sad family story gives it some substance.  The whole family are victims of scientific predators.  Who get their comeuppance by being killed by what they have created!  Good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             See this on an afternoon with nothing else to do.  It is more engaging than rote Solitaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. missed it but I did read “Such Sharp Teeth”!!

  2. Victoria,
    Did you like it? I did, and look forward to reading more of her work.
