Monday, April 1, 2024

"Poor Things" Is Quite A Switch, From.......Anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              When David and I watched "Poor Things" several Wednesdays ago, we did not know what to expect.  For myself, I can say my reaction was identical to last year's viewing of "Everything, Everywhere All At Once."  At the end of the film we realized we had loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So it went with "Poor Things." Let me start by saying I was as surprised as anyone when Emma Stone won the Oscar.  No, I had not seen the film at that point, but I had seen enough of Emma Stone to know I don't like her.  She is too quirky for the parts she has done in the past, and her award for "La La Land" was undeserved, because her dancing was so insecure, I could tell she was wondering throughout if she was getting each step right.

                                  That was then, this is now.  With "Poor Things" I can understand how Emma Stone won her second Oscar.  She finally has a role that fits her quirkiness, so much so I cannot imagine anyone other than she playing the role of Bella Baxter.

                                    I really do not want to spoil the story for viewers, so let me say that it has a "Frankenstein" component, which Stone masters superbly, aided and abetted by her creator played brilliantly by the brilliant Willem Dafoe.  She then runs off with a scoundrel, played by Mark Ruffalo, who introduces her to the world.

                                    But the world of "Poor Things, " created by Holly Waddington's costumes and Shona Heath's and James Price's production design makes the world a Technicolor unreality, as Bella emerges from a child, to, frankly, a nymphomaniac.  The costumes and sets of this film outdo anything I have seen in years, and how director Yorgos Lanthimos brings together elements that could result in a contrived story, but do not is remarkable.  The result is a film so arrestingly visual, with performances to match that the viewer can hardly keep one's eye from the screen.

                                      What an ironic title is "Poor Things," darlings.  For it turns out to be an abundance of riches.

                                           Quirky?  Yes, but don't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Saw it! One of the most quirky and eccentric movies I have ever seen. Visual delights abound. Once I got to a certain point, I liked the movie. Mind you, I could have gone without seeing Stones naked cooter. She yes, she was brilliant in the role. The only other part I saw her in that I enjoyed as Cruella. She was excellent in that as well.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    Yes, the sight of Emma's cooch made me scream in terror! We should not be subjected to such tings. I wonder if it was rated X in the theaters.

    But the costumes, set design and art direction were the best I have seen in years.

    I must see Emma as Cruella. I loved the character when I saw her in the Disney cartoon, when I was a child.

    Chill some champagne and enjoy it with a peeled peach immersed in it. To do so in mid-afternoon is considered scandalous.
