Monday, March 18, 2024

A Belated St. Parick's Day Wish For All My Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Hope all my girls had a Happy St. Pat' s day.  Ours was quiet; we had been at a dinner party the night before, so we did a lot of reading--especially me with my Mammoth! --and had a delicious, corned beef and cabbage dinner, with carrots and potatoes.  Otherwise known as an Irish Boiled Dinner!

                         In days of yore, like before the Internet, a time of which the young do not believe it exists; to them it a time as distant as Middle Earth, there was the parade live--which we chose not to watch--but movies like "The Quiet Man," or even "The Informer" would be shown.  Would you believe, darlings, I have never seen "The Quiet Man all the way through?  Oh, and the first 25 minutes of 1968's "Finian's Rainbow" is worth a look. But only the first 25.  Like "Barbie," with only the first 45 minutes being good.

                          And today, I am having some trouble getting it together.  I wonder if it is my thyroid, or blood sugar?  I am telling you, darlings, if David had not walked in, I might have been on the couch now, having only oatmeal for dinner.

                          But I see my endocrinologist in about two weeks, so we shall see.

                          Meanwhile, I am back, so I hope everyone's St. Patrick's Day was happy.

                          Whether you are Irish, or not, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds wonderful!!
    We had no corned beef or cabbage, but it was a festive day nonetheless!!!
    Kind of concerned about your health though; are you weak and dizzy??

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for the concern. No dizziness, just excessive tiredness. But not all the time.
    I think it is my thyroid. I see my endocrinologist in two weeks.
