Monday, March 18, 2024

Monkeys Escape From A Georgia Lab! And I Know Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Girls, before you go all cutesy on me about the monkeys, let me assure you these are very dangerous animals.  Not for the reasons you may think, such as disease, disagreeability, or that they will, excuse me, shit all over the place.  No, there is a stronger reason to be afraid of these creatures, and here it is--

                         That is right, darlings!  Marjorie Taylor Greene!  She is the Wicked Witch Of Georgia, and these monkeys are her minions.  Can't you see hear standing on her porch, dressed like this, screaming, "Now, fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!?"  And I wouldn't be surprised if she has a broom she takes out and flies all over the nation with, seeing what political mischief she can cause.  Mark my words, girls, if Trump is re-elected, she may or may not make his cabinet, but she will play an important role in his administration.  Though, many in the first administration were eventually fired, so that could work in our favor, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       If only water could melt Marjorie.  Or holding a crucifix in front of her!  Or burning her at the stake!

                        Meanwhile, those monkeys are now with her, and God knows what plans she has for them!

                        Surely not the ruby slippers!  Because she has no fashion sense!


  1. you can’t make this stuff up.
    how I wish it was all a horror movie.

  2. Victoria,
    For sure. It is a horror movie, unfortunately we are living in it.
    I am still holding out hope, come November.
