Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A Word About The Oscars, Dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          The program was crap.

                           Jimmy Kimmel was a boring host.  He has done it before?  Really?  Why?

                            Emma Stone--are you kidding?  Look, I admit I have not seen the film, but she was not that good in "La La Land," and she is not even pretty!  To think she has two Oscars.  Still, it could be worse.  It could be Gwyneth Paltrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As usual, the "In Memoriam" segment was screwed up.  At home viewers could not see the pictures or names, nor the collage of names projected at the end. This is supposedly to honor those film artists we have lost in the previous year.  Whomever is in charge of this segment does it more of a dishonor.

                              But there was one highlight that made it worth it.  Ryan Gosling and his performance of "I'm Just Ken."  His costume, his moves, and, girls, did you catch the visual reference spoofing Marilyn Monroe doing "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend?"  I have to hand it to Ryan for having a sense of humor and the nerve and talent to pull this off. He elevated the evening to what its entirety should have been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Robert Downey, Jr. was deserving.  When is Carey Mulligan finally going to get an Oscar?  I could ask the same thing of Amy Adams.  And those dresses--it only proves style is in NYC, not Hollywood.  Hell, the fabric draped around the supposedly naked guy looked good on him, and he looked better than most of the women there!

                                 How did the Academy Awards become so torturous? Take a look at the movies being made, and the actors in them!.

                                 As the song in "Chicago" asks, "What ever happened to class?"


  1. I didn’t watch it, I don’t have the attention span, but I saw plenty of clips the following day!!
    that was MORE than enough!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You made the right choice. It is a great sleep aid, though.
