Tuesday, March 12, 2024

"Beautiful Babe" Was The Most Poignant Episode Of "Feud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Perhaps It Should Have Ended Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Despite Naomi Watts' brilliant, award worthy portrayal, when I think of Babe Paley, this is what comes to mind.  I mean, how can it not????????????????

                                   Simultaneously ending the lives of both Babe and Capote in this episode was touching, but I am not sure the best idea.  Jennifer Lynch, David's daughter, did a wonderful directing job.

                                      So many touching moments--Babe accepting her fate, planning the funeral down to the nth degree, Truman reading his eulogy of Babe to C.Z. Guest, (Chloe Sevigny) as the tears poured down her face, and Joe Mantello as Jack Dunphy coming to terms with Capote's passing.  All of these actors are doing their finest work in this series, and it shows.  I almost cried real tears here.

                                        Was "Beautiful Babe" the last thing Truman Capote spoke on Earth?  I highly doubt it. But one hopes in the beyond they are, like all of us hope, having tea and dishing.

                                            So many people await me to dish them, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It was a good episode, I agree. I too wondered if it should have ended with that installment too. My friend and I got a chuckle at the previous episode where Truman and CZ were hat shopping and the shop was closing, so CZ bought all 11 gardening hats...and then Babe and CZ shopping in the LOVELY Bonwit Tellers...only to find the glove department all but gone. The nerve. That would so have been me and my best friend shopping. We still don't know where to find a good quality made hat or glove. Don't these designers know they make quite the statement?? And how does one expect me to go into homes and perform my white glove test? What's next ..pearls? I hope darling...any lady and queen knows to wear pearls till 6pm, before switching to diamonds for evening.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    Designers are going down the tubes, if you saw the Oscars. The women all looked like they were dressed in discarded costumes from "Wicked." Unfortunately, I never made it to Bonwit Teller. I loved Laura Ashley, but she only has an online presence. I like to look and feel, before I buy. As for buying, I am all about color, and in men's departments I find so little of it. I do not want to look like a corporate lawyer or a business type. That sure is not me. Hats and gloves should come back. I have to wear one int the Summer because of skin issues, according to my dermatologist. To avoid skin cancer. And the restaurants? Where to dine? Except for ANNA's list, I have no idea. All the ones referenced in the series I have dined at, but all are gone. Save Le Bernardin, which I may have said before, but has become a Japanese fusion place.

    Sorry to be going on, but the disappearance of NYC class upsets me. Meanwhile, it is the weekend, and I feel like a Sea Breeze. Have whatever you want on me, dear!
