Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I Should Be Happy, But This Is A Sad Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I should be happy because the cruelest month of the year--at least, for me! --is coming to an end, yet this is a doubly sad day.

                                     It is, and always will be, my father's birthday, and on days like this I wish he was around to see how I am doing, and how well I am holding up.  Proof he and my mother did something right.

                                    But it is also the day my childhood friend, Doug, died, seven years ago today.  How I wish I had spoken out more about some of the choices he made, which resulted in him not having the life he should have.

                                     So, this is a day of mixed feelings for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...and God shall wipe all tears from our eyes...
    such a comforting thought

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for those comforting words.
